Yuki and Kengi

Yuki and Kengi Arrived 4/10/2014

In early October we took in two adorable little chicks – the end result of a preschool hatching program.

If they hadn’t found their way to us they would’ve gone back to the supplier to an unknown and possibly lethal fate, and any brothers would’ve been killed as there is no use for roosters after the program ends. The welfare needs of hatched chicks can often be compromised as many schools do not have a budget for veterinary treatment and lack expert knowledge of their care. Chicks may imprint on their child carers and when forced to give them up, the young and still bonded hatchlings can suffer from the separation.

Fortunately for this cute duo, a caring mother sought to rehome them to a place where they would have a secure and happy future, where they would find sanctuary and enjoy freedom from use. “Happy Feathers” are a big concern of ours too, so Yuki and Kengi will now receive all the love and care they could ever desire. Welcome Girls!

Would you like to help us to take care of Yuki & Kengi?  One off donations and sponsorship gifts are available now to support our work. Thank you for caring about farm animals.


**  Happy Hooves Farm Sanctuary – Where The Good Life Begins  **

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