Gwyneth Poultry (Gwenny)

Gwenny (White Lace hen) . Arrived 4 June 2015 UPDATE: 7 June 2016. Gwenny was found suddenly very 'flat', not eating, tail down and inactive. She was taken to avian specialist who found very large, firm and impacted uterus - probably a tumour. Gwenny was...

Black Betty

Black Betty (Australorp hen) Arrived 12 November 2015 UPDATE 20 July 2016: We were very sad to say goodbye to Black Betty today. Despite immediate veterinary attention, a course of antibiotics for bacterial crop infection, a course of anti-inflammatories and a follow up visit, she...


Wilma (Australorp hen) Arrived 12 November 2015 Wilma came to us with Black Betty, Fred and Dino. They had been abandoned by previous owner on a property which was seized by the bank. Lovely real estate agents fed them. gave them fresh water and alerted...