Indie (goat). Arrived 10 December 2015 Indie was found wandering the bush in Kings Park in Perth, with collar and lead attached, and the part of the ear tag with details, cut off. We have no idea what her story is - where she came...
Princess Layer and Lindsay Lowhen
Princess Layer and Lindsay Lowhen (Isa Brown hens) Arrived 30 Oct 2015 These two chicks came to us from a school hatching program - two of thousands of little lives hatched from eggs for the sole purpose of demonstrating the wonder of life to school...
Archie (pig). Arrived 11 July 2015 Adorable Archie was surrendered to a municipal pound as the owners could not afford the licensing fee. Everyone at the pound fell in love with Archie and pulled out all stops to find him a new forever home even...
Lizzie, Ethel and Kevin
Lizzie, Ethel and Kevin (sheep - Wiltshire cross). Arrived 27 September 2015 Lizzie and her twin lambs were found at a semi rural weekend market with about 26 other ewes and lambs bound for immediate slaughter if not purchased. Lizzie was extremely emaciated and unable...