
Mischief (alpaca) Arrived: 20 December 2016 Introducing Mischief, the gorgeous and inquisitive alpaca. Mischief was purchased by her previous owners for the sole purpose of breeding. A substantial period of time had passed, and she had not yet produced any crias (baby alpacas). Since she was...


Olive (sheep). Arrived 6 February 2013 A few months ago a cancerous growth on Olive’s nose ruptured. Despite efforts to treat the wound, the infection continued to worsen as her 13 year old body could no longer fight it. We tried our best to keep...


Rupert (Boer goat - male): Arrived December 2011 Rupert (and brother, Thurman) were found with their two sisters by Mundaring Council and ended up at the Mundaring Shire pound. Their sisters found homes but nobody came to give Rupert and Thurman a home, so a...


Angel (ewe). Arrived: 2011 UPDATE 2 NOVEMBER 2016 Sadly, Angel was found dead in her yard today. Angel had not been unwell and was only checked a couple of hours previously. We suspect a snake bite, or some sudden health issue such as a heart...