Sally (pig) Arrived 26 October 2016 Sally was only three months old when found for sale on a social network site. Someone alerted us to the fact and after speaking to the other sanctuaries, we agreed to take her with the condition that, in line...
Lani (goat) Arrived 11 August 2016 Lani was impounded by a municipal council after being surrendered by her owner, who was having trouble containing her on his Perth Hills property, and after complaints from neighbours. The Shire contacted us to see if we could take...
Gazza (lamb) Arrived 11 September 2016 Gazza was bought on a whim as a "pet" and then dumped with a mate by original purchaser. Said mate did his very best to look after little Gazza, but didn't have the time or know-how required, so his...
Gwyneth Poultry (Gwenny)
Gwenny (White Lace hen) . Arrived 4 June 2015 UPDATE: 7 June 2016. Gwenny was found suddenly very 'flat', not eating, tail down and inactive. She was taken to avian specialist who found very large, firm and impacted uterus - probably a tumour. Gwenny was...