
Albert (goat). Arrived 19 May 2016 Update 29/7/19 This morning we say goodbye to one of the biggest characters we've ever had at the sanctuary. Albert had a personality much bigger than his impressive stature. He always left an impression on people, luring them into...


Lucy (ewe). Arrived 14 November 2012 Update 24th June 2019: This morning, held in loving arms and as the winter sunshine warmed her face, Lucy's 17 years on this Earth came to an end. Our grand old lady definitely had a wonderful long life but...


Mish (pig) Arrived 14th November 2018 Mish arrived in back of a ute early Wednesday morning, and took a few timid steps into her new life here at Happy Hooves. Perth Pig Save's contact at a local slaughterhouse arranged her release through their network. She...


Anton (pig) Arrived 17th August 2018 Anton did not a have a good start to life. He came to us at about one week old, unable to properly use his hind legs to walk or stand due to a possible spinal injury. We gave him...