Anton (pig) Arrived 17th August 2018 Anton did not a have a good start to life. He came to us at about one week old, unable to properly use his hind legs to walk or stand due to a possible spinal injury. We gave him...
Willow, Hermione, Chloe, Lana, Tamati, Puaa, Ronald & Sam
Willow, Hermione, Chloe, Lana, Tamati, Puaa, Ronald & Sam (pigs) Arrived 30th June 2018 Four days after Lola gave birth, it was Bindi's turn. On 30th of June, Bindi birthed eight adorable and healthy piglets, four girls and four boys - Willow, Hermione, Chloe, Lana, Tamati,...
Pumpkin, Napoleon, Squirt, Bert, Earnie & Eddie
Pumpkin, Napoleon, Squirt, Bert, Earnie & Eddie (pigs) Arrived 25th June 2018 On the morning of the 25th of June, a very pregnant Lola pig gave birth to six little bundles of joy - Pumpkin, the only girl and her 5 brothers Napoleon, Squirt, Bert,...