Corney (Ameraucauna rooster). Arrived: 18 August 2013 UPDATE: 10 February 2016 Our hearts were literally broken by the discovery today of our gorgeous boy, Corney, lying dead in the main room of our hospital barn. Corney had been recuperating from a complicated break to his...
Wilma (Australorp hen) Arrived 12 November 2015 Wilma came to us with Black Betty, Fred and Dino. They had been abandoned by previous owner on a property which was seized by the bank. Lovely real estate agents fed them. gave them fresh water and alerted...
Inka (pig). Arrived 7 November 2015 Beautiful black Inka came to us as a result of a domestic split; her previous owner tried to find a home for her for two months, but no one suitable came forward and he was afraid she would end...
Tumbles (goat). Arrived 23 November 2015 Tumbles was found wandering the eastern suburbs and taken in by the municipal pound. A suitable home was unable to be found for her, so we took her in at Happy Hooves Farm Sanctuary - she was the first...